Buchhandlung Herder


BiOverlay E-Book Reader


The Hidden Culture, History and Science of Bisexuality | Dr Julia Shaw

2022 Canongate Books
272 Seiten
ISBN: 978-1-78689-877-7

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€ 10,94

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A WATERSTONES BEST BOOK OF 2022: POLITICSBi: The Hidden Culture, History and Science of Bisexuality explores all that we know about the world’s largest sexual minority. It is a personal journey that starts with Dr Julia Shaw’s own openly bisexual identity, and celebrates the resilience and beautiful diversity of the bi community. From the hunt for a bi gene, to the relationship between bisexuality and consensual non-monogamy, to asylum seekers who need to prove their bisexuality in a court of law, there is more to explore than most have ever realised.

Kurztext / Annotation
A WATERSTONES BEST BOOK OF 2022: POLITICSBi: The Hidden Culture, History and Science of Bisexuality explores all that we know about the world’s largest sexual minority. It is a personal journey that starts with Dr Julia Shaw’s own openly bisexual identity, and celebrates the resilience and beautiful diversity of the bi community. From the hunt for a bi gene, to the relationship between bisexuality and consensual non-monogamy, to asylum seekers who need to prove their bisexuality in a court of law, there is more to explore than most have ever realised.